165 Dual Portamento



This module is an accurate replica of the original Roland module, with all the features retained including MPX control of a second portamento timing and voltage control of portamento time

The amount of portamento applied to the signal input is set by the sum of the INITIAL slide potentiometer and the external CV applied to the channel. By applying a gate signal to the MPX input, the portamento time is switched to being controlled by the second slide potentiometer and the red LED is lit. When the gate signal is off the portamento time switches back to the INITIAL setting and the green LED is lit.

The AM8165 can be used to skew traditional pitch CV’s or any other CV, including ADSR’s and LFO’s. This greatly expands the capabilities of the module. Each channel can be independtly switched on and off with a slide switch, with the slider LED’s indicating channel status.

This module is In Development